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Vinyl LPs Online
Dear Vinyl Enthusiasts, We are pleased to nnounce that our selection of used LP titles is now available on our website. Visit us online...

Review: Air Tight ATM-1 2024 Edition power amplifier reviewed by Stereophile
"The ATM-1S employed Hashimoto transormers; the ATM-1E uses Tamura transformers, including the Tamura choke coil located ahead of the...

Introducing the AirTight ATM-1E at International Sight & Sound 2024
We are pleased to announce to introduction the latest AirTight ATM 1E stereo power amplifier at the International Sight & Sound 2024. We...

Part-Time Audiophile:The Most Balanced System of the Show
Hi-End Asia Show Singapore 2024 The proof is in the pudding, and Audio Note’s system sounded fantastic. Their speakers are always placed...

Review: Audio Note TT Three Turntable
"It was fascinating how easily I fell, or rather, was prepared by the turntable to fall, under the spell of any kind of music, even if it...

AirTight Announces 2024 Edition of ATM-1E Stereo Power Amplifier
"After launch of the original “ATM-1” in 1986 and “ATM-1s” in 2006, the EL-34 push-pull amplifier” has been updated for the first time in...

Shunyata Sales Promotion!!!
We're currently running a Shunyata sales promotion on our demo cables, including Venom V2, Delta V2, Alpha V2, and Sigma V2 models. Enjoy...

Harmonic Resolution Systems 25Th Anniversary
HRS Introduces New Configuration Possibilities for the EXR Audio Stand System We are pleased to announce that the Patented EXR Audio...

Shunyata Research Omega SP Reviewed by Hi-Fi+
"The midrange was articulate, transparent, detailed, and equally well-controlled. Singers had their physical space in the soundstage, and...

KORA High Fidelity PR140 Tube Preamplifier
Like most Kora devices, the PR 140 is powered by the SquareTube® operational amplifier. Equipped with 4 triodes per channel, this...

Road Closure For National Day Parade 2024 Rehearsal And Actual Day
The Adelphi car park, pick-up/drop-off point, and loading bay will be impacted by the National Day Parade 2024. Road closures will take...

Raidho was named the best sound room at the Munich High End Show 2024 by Soundnews
"Last year, Raidho impressed us with their slender X2T speakers, which seemed to defy the laws of physics. But what about the latest...
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